Here are a few teaching techniques to help you out in the classroom.

Presentation, practice and production (PPP)
Presentation - The teachers presents an item of language in a clear way.
Practice - This is known as the control stage where students repeat and practice.
Production - This is the final stage where students do activities that include free play
Task based learning
Create problems to solve i.e. Tasks
Provide key language as solutions
Try breaking the class up into groups
Don't forget to provide feedback
Text based learning
Find an article of interest
Practice reading
Do activities based on the text
Practice vocabulary found in the article
Guided Discovery
Provide the class with examples of the key language items
Let the students figure out the rules
Ask the students questions on the items and provide feedback
Test, Teach, Test (TTT)
Test - Give the students a task without any assistance
Teach - Present the key language
Test - Repeat the cycle via tests or tasks