Aim: Let's turn the lesson into a game show. This game was designed to help students recall and revise knowledge already learned.
Bigger classrooms can be split into teams. Smaller classrooms can play 1 vs 1.
2 Teachers | 2+ Student | Age 5+
Flashcards relating to the lesson
Prize for the winning team (optional)
Bell to ring
Step 1
Revise the key vocabulary before starting.
Step 2
Split the classroom into teams if need be.
Step 3
Call two of the smarted students to the front to demonstrate.
Step 4
Sit them down and place the bell between them.
Step 5
Show the students that if they know the answer they should ring the bell.
Step 6
Ask your TA to clarify and make sure they understand.
Step 7 Reveal a flashcard and make sure they ring the bell.
Step 8
Ask the student who wrung the bell first and put the flashcard to the side of that student if they answer correctly. If they answer incorrectly then ask the other student if they know the answer.
Step 9
The student with the most correct answers wins the game. With teams, you can write the score on the board to keep track of their points.
Step 10
Let all the students have a turn