Most English training centers and schools have a demo lesson to show prospective students and parents.
These lessons are designed in a way to get sales for the schools and often are not exactly how the classes go. This is due to a lack of class resources or budget. With that being said, schools will often put money into the demo lessons to make sales.
Demo lesson idea: Toys
Words: car, boat, doll, bear
Sentence: It's my ...
Introduction and warmer
Materials: Warmer song
Step 1
Before the lesson starts its advisable to interact with the students so they feel comfortable participating. Demo's can get very awkward very quickly so be friendly to the students and your audience (the parents). Get the parents involved to motivate the students and to elevate the mood.
Step 2
Start the demo lesson off by introducing yourself and your TA. Let the parents know the class rules so they don't disrupt the lesson.
Step 3
Call everyone to the front to do the hokey pokey. It's not related to toys but warmer songs generally don't need to be . Everybody knows and likes the hokey pokey but feel free to pick a song you like.
Step 4
It's important to demonstrate before you start singing and dancing.
Step 5
Once your done with the song let everyone take
Step 6 - Start the demo
Count the flashcards and try get the parents and students to join in.
Game #1 - Hide the toy
Materials: Toys relating to lesson, toy box, flashcards
Step 7 - Car
Reveal the first flashcard (car) and show the students. Let them all repeat as a class. Ask the TA to tap the flashcard and repeat the word so the students know what to do. Let the students have a try and put the flashcard on the floor once your done.
Step 8
Use TPR to gesture out the word and let the students try. Then hold your hands out and wave until the students copy your actions. Count "1, 2, close your eyes". Once the students have their eyes shut, take the car out of the toy box and hide it behind your back. Shout "open your eyes!".
Step 9
Once everyone opens their eyes, you and the TA will shout "car?". Look around for the car toy and do a 360 to show the students the toy car behind your back. Keep shouting out car and the students will end up pointing behind your back. Show them one empty hand at a time while keeping the car behind you. End it off by revealing the car to the students. Let them all have a turn touching the toy car while repeating the word. Put the toy car by its flashcard.
Step 10 - Doll
Reveal the doll flashcard while saying the word. Demonstrate with the TA by moving the flashcard quickly in front of them. Once the TA misses the flashcard a few times let them tap it. Go around the class letting all the students have a try missing and tapping the flashcard. Get the parents involved if you can and the put the flashcard next to the car flashcard.
Step 11
1, 2 close your eyes...
This time give the doll to the TA to hide behind her back. Call for for doll while holding your hands behind your back to trick the students. Then after a while show your hands and find the doll behind the TA's back. Do the action for doll (TPR) and say the word. Let the students try touching the doll while saying the word. Place the doll by it's flashcard when you're done.
Step 12 - boat
Reveal the boat flashcard and let the students repeat. This time let the TA try and catch the flashcard by clapping. Let the students repeat the word "boat" before playing.
Step 12
1, 2 close your eyes...
This time, hide the boat behind a students chair and complete the steps as before.
Step 13 - bear
Let the students tap the flashcard and say the word. This time when hiding the bear, give it to one of the parents.
Step 14
Complete the process as done before.
Game #2 - The sorting game
Materials: Smaller toys of the same kind, toy box
Step 15
Start by showing the class a toy box with smaller toys of the same kind. Don't let them take any out.
Step 16
Demonstrate with the TA. Say one of the word e.g doll. The TA should then retrieve the doll and place it on the flashcard
Step 17
Let the students have a try sorting different toys.
Game #3 - The parachute game
Materials: 1 x toy parachute
Step 18
Choose one student to help demonstrate the game
Ask the TA (teaching assistant) and the student to help you hold the parachute.
Step 19
Place the toys / flashcards under the parachute
Step 20
Have the TA and student shake the parachute and stop on your command.
Step 21– Demonstration
Begin demonstrating the game by shaking the parachute with the TA and student. Shout stop and ask the TA to find a toy / flashcard.
The TA will then go under the parachute to retrieve the toy / flashcard.
Remember to shake the parachute when someone goes under to retrieve an item.
When the TA gives you the correct item, give them a high five.
Don’t forget to let the student demonstrate so the class understands the game.
Step 22– Begin the game
Call students to the front to hold the parachute.
Practice shaking the parachute and stopping on command.
Choose one student to retrieve an item under the parachute
Once the student retrieves an item that was called, ask the class to repeat the word too.
Step 23
Let every student have a turn retrieving a toy
Materials: Goodbye song
Step 24
Let the whole class stand up (including the parents) to sing the goodbye song.
Step 25
Once you are done you can give the students praise and the parents feedback.
End of demo
The TA will explain what you said in their native language and guide them to the sales and marketing staff.
Let the students color pictures of the toys they just learned about while the parents are discussing business.
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